Project Meetings
EPA is hosting a community meeting on the cleanup of the Lower 8.3 Miles of the Lower Passaic River AND the Riverside Industrial Park Superfund Site on April 8, 2025
at 6 pm to 8 pm at the Waterfront, 2 Grafton Ave in Newark. For more information, please contact Drew Curtis at or 212-637-3726. Flyers for the meeting are available in
and Spanish.
The Passaic River Community Advisory Group (CAG) has scheduled its 2025 meetings on April 21, August 11 and October 20 at 6 PM, most likely in hybrid mode.
Please stay tuned for more information as the April meeting comes closer.
Videos of past meetings are posted here. Please contact Drew Curtis with any questions at
212-637-3726 or
Presentations from previous meetings are posted in the Digital Library, under Public Outreach Documents,
Public Outreach\Community Advisory Group.
Fish and Shellfish Advisories
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Project News
The EPA Announces Final Cleanup Plan for 80-120 Lister Avenue portion of the Diamond Alkali Superfund Site [January 2025]
The EPA has finalized the plan to clean up the 80-120 Lister Avenue property in Newark, which is part of the Diamond Alkali
Superfund site. The EPA’s final cleanup plan calls for continued operation of the existing remedy, with improvements including
reinstalling and reactivating a total of seven groundwater pumps, upgrading the current groundwater treatment system, and making
any necessary repairs to the existing cap covering contaminated materials. This approach builds on the previously completed work
and would avoid the short-term risks associated with other options such as digging up and removing the contaminated material
outright. The final cleanup plan (also called a Record of Decision), responses to public comments and Community Update fact sheet
are available on the EPA’s Superfund web site. |
Community Involvement Plan (CIP) for 80-120 Lister Avenue [July 2024]
The EPA finalized the
Community Involvement Plan, also referred to as CIP, for 80-120 Lister Avenue, also known as Operable Unit 1.
The agency developed the CIP, with community input, to encourage community involvement and to facilitate communication between the EPA and all stakeholders
interested in the site and cleanup actions at the site. The EPA will update the CIP as needed, to ensure that opportunities for meaningful public participation
continue throughout the cleanup action and beyond. This CIP is focused to fit the communication needs associated with the cleanup of 80-120 Lister Ave. It is
structured to provide the reader with a high-level understanding of the work being done and to share the EPA’s plans for keeping the community engaged and aware. |
EPA Approves Final Clean-Up Design for Lower 8.3 Miles of the Passaic River [May 2024]
EPA has approved the final engineering design work needed to clean up the lower 8.3 miles of the Passaic River. The design was developed by
Occidental Chemical Corporation-Glenn Springs Holdings and subject to review and approval by EPA. A fact sheet located here
provides an overview of what’s in the design. The design documents will be posted in the Digital Library, under “All Public Documents”,
“Passaic River Lower 8 Mile Action”.
With the approval of the bioaccumulation model (Appendix P), EPA has finalized the 17-mile Remedial Investigation Report which can be accessed
here. [January 2023] |
EPA’s Frequently Asked Questions about the Sediment Processing Facility or Facilities [October 2021]
The cleanup plans for the lower 8.3 miles and upper 9 miles of the Passaic River call for dredging contaminated sediments from the river, which need to be
processed at a sediment treatment facility or facilities. This fact sheet, located
here, answers frequently asked questions such as what a sediment treatment facility is, where it might be located, and how community health and safety will be protected.
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