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Dredging and Decontamination Technologies

The partner agencies have conducted a pilot study of environmental dredging and sediment decontamination technologies in December 2005. Using environmental dredging, approximately 4,000 cubic yards of sediment were removed from the Lower Passaic River (near river mile 2.8) and delivered to a near-shore processing facility for treatment by two innovative decontamination technologies (sediment washing and thermo-chemical destruction). This pilot will provide information needed to evaluate a proposed removal action and determine whether decontamination technologies can treat sediments to produce an economically-viable beneficial use product. Documents describing the environmental dredging and decontamination pilot are presented below.

Environmental Dredging Pilot Study

Final Environmental Dredging Pilot Study Report [July 2012]:
The purpose of the Environmental Dredging Pilot Study was to gather data to evaluate dredge equipment performance and to monitor sediment resuspension associated with an environmental dredging demonstration. Click here to view the final report that discusses the dredging operations that occurred from December 5-10, 2005 and the corresponding hydrodynamic and water column monitoring programs.

The report includes the appendices in the following list. The appendices are listed separately to minimize the necessary download time for individuals interested in the report. Each appendix can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate link.

The Environmental Dredging Pilot Study Report was revised to respond to data requests and comments. Click here for background information on these data requests. Click here for the presentation slides discussed at the Public Delivery Team meeting on March 4, 2009.

Final Project Plans for the Environmental Dredging Pilot Study [November 2005]:
These project plans outline the details of how the environmental dredging pilot was to be implemented. Details regarding the hydrodynamic modeling, dredging design, and the water quality monitoring program are presented. The planning documents consist of the Work Plan, a Quality Assurance Project Plan and the Site-Specific Health and Safety Plans. In addition, Jay Cashman's Work Plan outlines the dredger's detailed plans for implementation.

Dredging Pilot Procurement Process [August/September 2005]:
NJDOT had pre-qualified dredgers in the classification of "Environmental Dredging" for implementation of the pilot. Firms needed to submit Form DC-74A "Contractor's Financial and Equipment Statement Experience Questionnaire and Past Performance Record" located on http://www.state.nj.us/transportation/business/procurement/ConstrServ/prequalrequire.shtm in order to respond to the bid package for project implementation. The Bid Package was posted on BidX.com on August 18, 2005 and bid proposals were submitted to NJDOT on September 16, 2005. Proposals were reviewed by a multi-agency panel (including representatives from NJDOT, USACE, and USEPA) and the dredger was selected based on cost and qualifications. Jay Cashman, Inc. and Cable Arm, Inc. (subcontractor) were selected to implement the pilot. Click here to review the Project Specifications and Click here to view the site plans.

Hydrodynamic Survey [July 2004-July 2005]:
Hydrodynamic data collected in the lower stretch of the river was used to predict where sediments may be transported during dredging and to design the water quality monitoring program during pilot implementation. The water quality monitoring program for the dredging pilot is outlined in a "Dredging Pilot Work Plan". These data were also used to develop instructions for how the dredging was conducted for the pilot.   Refer to the "Sampling Activities" link for more information on this program.

Environmental Dredging Pilot Study - Hydrodynamic Modeling [October 2005]:
One of the goals of the Environmental Dredging Pilot Study was to quantify sediment resuspension. A limited and focused three-dimensional hydrodynamic model was developed to support the placement and positioning of the water column monitoring devices/equipment, estimate the mass flux of sediment leaving the model domain, and evaluate the impact of dredging without the presence of engineering controls. Click here for results of this modeling effort.

Geophysical Survey and Sediment Coring [March & July 2004]:
Surveys and sediment coring occurred in March and July of 2004 to characterize the proposed dredging pilot area. To review the project plans, click here. To review the final report that summarizes and evaluates the collected data, click here.

Dredging Technology Review Report [June 2004]:
This report reviews various dredging technologies that may be used if removing contaminated sediments from the river were selected as a remedial option. To review the final report, click here

Hydrographic and Side Scan Sonar Surveys [March 2004]:
These surveys were conducted in the dredging pilot area to identify river depths, sediment types and surface debris. These results helped the agencies determine the exact one-acre dredging location. To review the final report showing survey results, click here

Magnetometer and Sub-Bottom Profiler Debris Survey [March 2004]:
A debris survey was conducted to identify objects buried beneath the river sediments. This information was provided to the dredging firm before the pilot began, as is typically done in any dredging project. To review the report showing survey results, click here

Decontamination Pilot
The dredged sediment was transported in two 3,000 cubic yard scows to the Bayshore Recycling Inc. facility located on the Raritan River in Keasby, NJ. There the sediment was off-loaded to the Valgocen, a 730-ft bulk carrier vessel serving as a temporary storage location and materials handling facility. The treatment of the sediment was conducted through the USEPA/NJDOT New York New Jersey Sediment Decontamination Program and USEPA's Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) program.

BioGenesis- Sediment Washing:
BGW, LLC treated approximately 2,300 cubic yards of sediment through their facility at Bayshore Recycling in Keasbey, NJ. Treated water was discharged under permit to the Middlesex County Utilities Authority. Note that this testing was part of a larger demonstration where over 14,000 cubic yards of sediment was treated through the BioGenesis plant. Data from the Lower Passaic River tests as well as the other sediment from the Arthur Kill and Raritan River will be discussed under separate cover in vendor reports. Click here to review the Draft Work Plan. The decontamination vendor report is available on the public website http://www.bnl.gov/wrdadcon.

Endesco Clean Harbor- Thermo-chemical Process:
Approximately 600 cubic yards of sediment was dewatered through the BioGenesis facility (not treated) and the resulting 170 cubic yards of dewatered sediment was transported to the ENDESCO/Clean Harbors facility located at IMTT in Bayonne, NJ. The ENDESCO rotary kiln was retrofitted to treat the Lower Passaic River sediment. The decontamination vendor report is available on the public website http://www.bnl.gov/wrdadcon.