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Friday, February 21, 2025

River Mile 10.9

Long-Term Monitoring and Maintenance Plan Baseline Report [December 2018]

This baseline report was prepared to provide baseline conditions for comparison of future physical and chemical monitoring events to confirm that the remedy is protective of human health and the environment is located here. The ongoing annual visual cap inspection reports and 5 year physical and chemical monitoring reports are also provided on the public documents site under "Removals\River Mile 10.9" located here.

Removal Action Completion Report [June 2018]

The removal action completion report is provided here.

Final Design for removal of contaminated sediment from a mudflat in the Lyndhurst section of the Passaic River [November 2013]

On June 18, 2012, EPA signed an agreement with 70 companies considered potentially responsible parties to remove contaminated sediment from a mudflat adjacent to Riverside Park in Lyndhurst, New Jersey. The design includes the removal of approximately 18,000 cubic yards of material from the river, followed by capping of the dredged area, and monitoring to assure the effectiveness of the action until a final remedy for the river is selected and implemented. Dredging of the removal area began on August 3, 2013 and was completed on October 4, 2013. Processing of the dredged material at the Clean Earth Dredge Technologies facility in Kearny, New Jersey was completed on October 18, and all dredged sediment and associated water was sent to approved out-of-state facilities for disposal. Mobilization for capping of the removal area began on November 5, and all site activities are were completed by early 2014. All work is being overseen by EPA and its contractor. Below are links to the complete final design for the removal action.

Removal Action Final Design Report, Lower Passaic River Study Area
Design Figures
Appendix A Concentration Data
Appendix B Geotech Data
Appendix C Calculations
Appendix D Design Drawings
Appendix E Specs
Appendix F Project HASP
Appendix G Community HSP
Appendix H Bench-Scale Report
Appendix I Construction QC
Appendix J Long Term Maintenance and Monitoring Plan
Appendix K Project Schedule


Seventy Companies Reach Agreement with EPA to Remove Highly Contaminated Mud from a Section of the Lower Passaic River

The EPA announced on June 18, 2012 that it has reached agreement with 70 companies considered potentially responsible for contamination of the lower Passaic River to remove approximately 16,000 cubic yards of highly contaminated sediment from a half-mile long area of the Passaic River in Lyndhurst, New Jersey at their expense. Please click here to see the press release.

A copy of the agreement can be found here:

Administrative Order on Consent
Appendix A - Settling Parties
Appendix B - Action Memo
Appendix C - Site Map
Appendix D - Statement of Work
Appendix E - Trust Agreement
Appendix F - List of Documents


Recreational Fields Sampling Results: Lyndhurst and North Arlington, NJ [March 2013]:

Following Hurricane Sandy, EPA collected soil samples in recreational fields in Lyndhurst and North Arlington, New Jersey to look into whether dioxins, PCBs and mercury may have been carried into the parks during flooding from that storm. The results showed that the measured concentrations of dioxins, PCBs and mercury present in soil were well below levels of concern. EPA had previously collected samples of surface soil in these parks in late 2011 and early 2012, in the aftermath of Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee, and those earlier results also showed that the measured concentrations of dioxin, PCBs and mercury were below levels of health concern. Based on its analysis, EPA does not plan on further sampling of recreational areas in this area and deems that cleanup actions on soil in the parks are not warranted. Further, this is the third round of post-storm event sampling conducted in this area and similar results have been found during each round. The sampling report is available upon request (see “Contact Us” page for EPA contact information).