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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Urban Waters Federal Partnership


In May 2013, the Urban Waters Federal Partnership added 11 new locations, including the Lower Passaic River. The Lower Passaic River Urban Waters Federal Partnership is being led by EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers with the goal of enhancing coordination amongst Federal, State and local partners along the Passaic River. Specifically, the agencies have worked more closely with the City of Newark, State of New Jersey, Ironbound Community Corporation and other local NGOs. The partnership's efforts are focused on improving water quality, enhancing public access and restoring the watershed's ecosystem. Click here for a factsheet on the Lower Passaic River Urban Waters Federal Partnership, and click here for more information on the national Urban Waters Federal Partnership program.


An initial kick-off meeting was held in October 2013. Click here for the ongoing government projects summary table that was provided at the meeting. Click here for the resulting list of potential projects agreed upon at the meeting. Future meetings will be posted in the "Project Meetings" box on the Home Page.


Through the 2011/2012 Urban Waters Small Grants competition, EPA selected 55 organizations to receive grants for projects that will contribute to improving water quality and community revitalization. Ironbound Community Corporation (ICC) received a grant, which they used in coordination with the City of Newark to engage and educate residents by offering free river tours and walkshops, hosting seminars and educational youth workshops, and creating a Passaic River brochure/map, amongst other things. For a copy of the Newark Riverfront Guide brochure and map developed by ICC, please contact ICC directly at 973-817-7013.
Click here for more information about the Newark Riverfront Revival program activities.